SMART electric columns for marinas

Timely consumption management and waste monitoring of hydropower resources. Can digitization in ports really make a difference?

We at CloudEnergy strongly believe this, and we explain why.

One of the most frequent issues that port managers face is related to tracking guests’ actual use and consumption of water and electricity resources. Manual and lump-sum surveying very often does not give a clear picture of the actual use made of the resource and, as is very often the case, does not allow detection of any abuse or misuse by those who have access to it.

When swe talk about the future sustainable, where the focus towards the environmental resources and their responsible use have become fundamentali to protect the‘ecosystem of our planet., smart technology now applied on a daily basis In multiple sectors, it can make a difference, even in the marine industry.

is the first intelligent system designed to provide modern, fast and secure management of consumption dispensers and services offered by ports and marinas

The SMART Application integrated to the dispensers li transforms into powerful data collection and transmission tools ensuring accurate and timely tracking of guests’ actual costs and consumption. Its scalable and modular nature allows for the integration of all internal port services and to activate and manage them directly via Smartphone or Pc, even remotely.

gestione erogatori SMART tramite cellulare

Dto turrets to the management of pedestrian entrances and parking lots. From restrooms, to showers, to swimming pools, to charging stations for electric vehicles and beyond.

CloudEnergy simplifya the most common management functions, provides marina guests with better service and shipowners with significant savings in time and resources, ensuring versatile and timely access to data and reliable collections.

The technology of CloudEnergy tallows you to eliminate:

  • The manual and lump-sum recording of consumption;
  • rechargeable flash drives and the use of cash;
  • electricity thefts among customers;
  • The misuse of resources;
  • Excessive consumption of utilities;
  • the long codand at desks for requests for assistance from guests…..

Automation of energy and water delivery services and access to facility services is a clear example of how the strides made by smart technologies can bring clear benefits to the economies of ports and marinas.

The digitization process in recent years has accelerated dramatically globally, necessarily involving all leading sectors and industries in the economy. Italy has a significant and widespread nautical heritage throughout the country, which over the years has seen growing interest from users who are increasingly attentive to the quality of services and opportunities that facilities can offer.

In this context, the implementation of technologies is certainly a key enabler that opens up interesting opportunities and economic spin-offs for facilities and helps to develop a more conscious use of resources, quantify waste and develop a more responsible consciousness for the future of the area.